Monday, December 3, 2007

“I am a toddler, Hear Me ROAR”

How very true is this behaviour of Oliver these days. Oliver used to like clinging onto me, he is now exhibiting a need to be more independent. He spends longer time on his own and no longer need assuring voice from me when I walked away. Most of the time at home, he prefers to roam around our tiny 2-bedroom flat with the support of his lawnmower like walker.

Oliver is a very determined sort of baby. The negative name for this trait is stubbornness. Unfortunately, this trait runs in my family. I have not noticed it myself until my brother joked about it and my ex-boss Irene spoke to me to about my stubbornness some years back. Oliver will need to slowly learn how to deal with his stubbornness like I do for many years to come. For now, Oliver's extremism is slowly and surely manifesting. He refuses to let go of his spoon and insists on feeding on his own. This little toddler has so much strength that I have to struggle to take his spoon away from his tightly clenched fingers. When I finally managed to take it away, ROARs .. the showing of his primitive temper tantrums plus his inherited stubbornness. Yes, I agree totally. You ROAR!