Thursday, November 22, 2007

Baby Oliver is ONE year old today

For one year, our life has changed with the birth of Oliver. To think of one word to describe how our life has changed is really quite tough. "Colours" may adaptly fit into the peg.

Our house used to have the colour theme of brown and white. Now, it is a colourful theme of red, green, blue and yellow - Oliver's toy house, his stacking pails, and his latest additions (from his birthdays)of toys .. tricycle, click and clack caterpillar

and megabloks. Our vios used to be just black and sliver,and now it is filled with his toys. Frequently, we discovered food bits left over on the dining table and timber floor by Oliver after his meals. Occasionally, Oliver's poo changed colour and texture which stresses us out. Our dress sense has also changed to fit in the hectic lifestyle. It has gotten more simple yet colourful. This is especially when Boon Heng tries to act like Oliver and dress like him. As if these antics by Boon Heng is not enough, he also encourages me to dress like Oliver.