Friday, November 9, 2007

Mad Rush

I miss going to fetch Oliver at Delcare after work. Only Boon Heng fetches Oliver from Delcare after work as I have to get home early to prepare dinner for all of us. My evening schedule goes like that:

630 pm - I leave office with Boon Heng
640 pm - I alight on Cantonment Road and walk back home
645 pm - The mad rush begins.. change out of office attire, wash up to prepare dinner.
700 pm - still cooking
715 pm - steamed food for Oliver ready. Cut veg into tiny pieces to add to porridge cooked since morning.
720 pm - Daddy and son reach home. Communicate with Oliver over the intercom.
730 pm - Food ready for Oliver
740 pm - Food ready for Boon Heng and I. I eat first while Boon Heng feeds Oliver
800 pm - Boon Heng eats while I play with Oliver. Or nappy change time as Oliver usually poo poo during dinner.
830 pm - Boon Heng washes the dishes while I continue to play with Oliver
845 pm - Our playtime with Oliver
900 pm - Getting Oliver ready for bedtime
930 pm - Oliver's milk time and hopefully fall asleep after drink
1000 pm - Pray hard that Oliver has already sleep by now.

But I know all these mad rushes are worth it every time when Oliver get excited seeing me.

And nothing else brigthens my day like Oliver's blur little face.