Friday, November 2, 2007

November Rain

Suddenly it's November already... 2007 seems to be whizzing past in a hurry. This picture was taken in May when Melissa, another of Oliver's schoolmate, was one year old.

We sneaked away from a seminar to Delcare today to see Oliver. And we noticed that Melissa (and Ian as well whom we don't really know) have "graduated" from infant-care to the childcare section. Melissa was born in May 06, and 1.5 yrs old is the age when babies are transferred over. Soon it will be Caleb's and Marc's turn. Will be kinda strange that Melissa is no longer around, as she is one of the babies who is more responsive and who frequent the centre on Saturdays, like Oliver, and whose parents are one of the first that we got to know. Melissa even went over to hug Sophia today after seeing her.

Yesterday we also learnt that baby Adam is no longer at Delcare after bumping into his mum. Apparently he is always falling ill and they decided to quit Delcare and let his granny takes care of him.

Well, November seems to be a month of saying goodbyes. Which means that there may be more caregiver:infants ratio. Not a bad thing especially since Delcare seems to be really short-handed recently.