Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First walk to school

Oliver is 1 year, 1 month, 1 week and 4 days old on 2 Jan 2008. And it is a memorable day - it is Oliver's first day of school in the new year and he made his first walk from home to school.

The walk takes about 10 minutes and he makes it without any difficutly. We have to hold his hands to make sure he does not wander away. Usually, he does not like holding our hands while walking, but somehow, he allows us to hold his hands that day. And so, we complete the walk without much detouring.

While walking, Oliver continues to be on the lookout for his favourite vehicle - Bus. Whenever a bus passes, he will shout "Ba" (his pronunication is still not too accurate). The bigger the bus, the louder the shout.

Now you can imagine, Oliver's hyperactive self, walking on the streets, his head moving ever so quickly to look out for bus, stopping once a while to catch the fast moving cars, and stopping very frequently to step on the fallen leaves while holding our hands. By the time he reaches school, he is one smelly and sweaty "chickadee".

I think Oliver enjoys his first walk to school. I can feel that he is almost proud of himself, or is it just me feeling proud of Oliver?

Boon Heng and I look forward to walk again with Oliver tommorrow...