Thursday, January 24, 2008

Something about Oliver

I don't think I can be a good childcare teacher. I do not have the love and patience. I don't think I will fall in love with babies. I am simply not those type. I can't be a Stay-at-home mum because I will go crazy looking at the walls.

But there is something about Oliver, and I don't know what's that. I ask my colleague if she misses her daughter while she is working. While working, no, but on the way home, yes. But I miss Oliver almost every hour of the day. Perhap it is his cute little face which keeps looking at me from his photo frame. Or perhap, it has become a habit for me to blog about him daily. Or perhap, it is just his chickadee smell that has been infectious.

Gosh, just what is that something about Oliver? Whatever it is, Stop it Oliver. I need to bring the bacon home.