Monday, January 14, 2008


Only realised after uploading this photo that there's a Chinese phrase near Oliver's head.

Haven't had too much time to write about Oliver as it has been quite a busy 2 weeks for us since the new year. Busy with work and busy with Oliver.

Oliver was recently down with diarrhoea, but he got over that quickly enough after a trip to Dr Veronica.

Not too sure which was the exact day that Oliver can walk on his own, but he finally did. Now, he is covering as much ground as he can, especially on weekends. Last Thursday, when he was supposed to be sick and resting at home, he managed to walked along the Singapore River and in the evening, the Indoor Stadium area. And just on Sunday alone, he left his footprints in Changi Airport, Vivocity and Suntec City. Our house is just too small for him and he will constantly cajole us to take him out. He probably got the walking genes from daddy. And we also notice that unlike most babies in the childcare, who have meaty and chunky thighs and calves, Oliver's legs muscles are taut and almost muscular.

Also, Jess and Andy were in Singapore again over the weekend, this time after their 3-weeks break in NZ en route to Manila. They should be finishing their last few months of teaching in the Philippines as they have been offered a teaching job in an international school in Bangkok in August. Will definitely be easier for us to visit them in the future. Still don't know the gender of the baby though.