Monday, February 18, 2008

Feb 2008 is a mad month

While keying this, I am still having this headache as an aftermath effect of what happened for the last few weeks. Too much too many events which now finally ended but it doesn't seem to help me sleep any better. Last week was quite a stressful week for me and my colleagues from marketing section. We issued 3 media advisories in a week - survey on singles' behaviour during dates, Weddings at Chingay and Speed dating at MRT. All garnered positive publicity and coverage in CNA. I am fortunate to have my colleagues who are capable and I need not spend many hours going through their work. Weddings at Chingay is probably one of the major projects which I decide to personally take on the role of chairperson. I cannot remember the last time I was the chairperson of a major event. I was probaby quite mad to make this decision especially at this point of time. But now that the event is over, I am quite happy and proud of myself. I believe those of us who are mothers or father would understand.

As a single, I have all the time to submerge myself in work, go through my work many times until every single mistake is spotted and corrected. As a mother, it is whole lot of differences. I don't have the luxury of time. Back home, spending time with Oliver take priority over work. The time I spend with Oliver is shorter than the time I spend at work. Or put it this way, he is too cute for me to resist. It is not a matter of choosing one over another. It is just him I want to spend time with. I don't want to look back one of these days and regret not spending more time with him. Life has already taught me many previous lessions on the importance of spending time with those you love.

It is strange really as I read what I wrote now, because I can finally understand how it feels. It is now 1.30 am and if you think you are confused by what I wrote, I probably having a mental block and probably feeling a little bit emotional.

My message here is really... Oliver, thanks for being so sweet. You hug mummy when I am feeling grumpy, let us "bully" you when we are stressed, make us laugh when you make funny antics. And to Boon Heng, thanks for bringing Oliver out for walks so that I can catch up on my much needed forty winks and looking after Oliver when I need to work. I am also very grateful to Boon Heng's mum and his sister Serena for spending their precious time to look after Oliver while Boon Heng and I need to work. = )