Friday, February 1, 2008

What is the date today?

It is rather tough sometimes to make decision, even when they are easy decisions like "you prefer to eat Steamboat or Malay food at Kampong Glam?". Often, I would want to please Boon Heng and choose a place that Boon Heng likes. Likewise, Boon Heng will do the same thing. Sometimes, we ended up throwing a coin to decide our fate. Often than not, we decide not to follow the fate set by the landed coin.

Recently, we decide to use the date to help us in choosing the place to eat. Today is 1st Feb, and 1st being the odd number, Boon Heng will decide. I will decide if the date is an even number. Bingo! So far, it has worked really well for us. Surprisely, our little Oliver seems to find it working for him too. He will alternate Boon Heng and I to be his preferred friend of the day. Day 1, Oliver will shake his head vigourously when I attempt to carry him. He wants only Boon Heng to carry him. Day 2, he will stick to me like a koala bear, and yells if Boon Heng tries to carry him. He is quite fair, isn't he? I wonder what is his date tomorrow.