Monday, May 26, 2008

Boon Heng on 5-day OBS Course

So it is me and Oliver home alone time.

Showers of affection from Oliver

We bought a shoe rack to be placed at our door entrace last week. Our indoor potted plants had been placed at the corridor for a while as we were concerned that Oliver would eat the pebbles. Along with our slippers, it looked messy. The rack put everything in place and it looked nice and neat now.

Now, how did Oliver come into the picture with the shoe rack? On Saturday, he did something which was totally sweet. As I was to leave the house, Oliver pulled out my green slipper one by one for me to wear. The sweet act really melt my heart.

This morning, he did the same thing. He took out my slippers from my shoe rack, and he did the same sweet thing when he saw Boon Heng coming out of the door. You really can't help falling in love with this little guy.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oliver is 18 months old today

It is, however, a very sad day for all Liverpudians.

The team that shall not be named did the Double last night =(

What happen on 22 May 2008?

URA revealed a blueprint to make Singapore a great place to work, live and have fun in.
The 7 ambitious plans are:
1) Countryside Getaways in Lim Chu Kang and Kranji
>> Kayaking and watersports at Kranji Reservoir
>> New walking trails at the 17 ha Kaing Marshes
>> 21 ha of new park Land

2) A walk on the wild side
>> Freshwater-themed aninal attraction
>> 30 ha nature-themed attraction

3) Coastal Living at Changi Point
>> Longer coastal boardwalks closer to the water's edge
>> New spa and hotel resort at old Commando HQ
>> Motor-racing circuit

4) Round-Island Cycling
>> 150km cycling and jogging route (new park connectors)

5) Living it up in City Centre and Marina Bay
>> Marina Bay IR and Gardens by the Bay
>> New Sports Hub at Kallang
>> Annual Night Festival

6) Going Green
>> Sentosa IR
>> Coastal boardwalks at Labrador

7) Learning and Playing in Jurong Lake District
>> New expanded Science Centre
>> Olympic-sized ice-skating rink
>> Hotels dn shops on the lakeside
>> Motorcross racing at Tuas

I am looking forward for the round-island ride on bicycle with Oliver and his sister one of these days. = )

Monday, May 19, 2008

Oliver at Dempsey (part 2)

There's something about wheels

Oliver loves big wheels. Is there something about boys and wheels? I recall my little bro Augustine was equally fascinated by wheels. He could spend hours looking at the wheels, especially when it was in movement.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hand Foot Mouth Disease and one sad news

Oliver will have to 'graduate' from the infant to toddler daycare when he reaches 18 months. And this really set me worrying because of the recent HFMD epidemic. Del-care was also not spared from HFMD with another few cases reported last week.

It is really a paranoid situation as I also understand that Oliver is getting tired of the infant care as most teachers seemingly spent most of their time taking care of the little ones, leaving Oliver to play on his own.

Another sad news is that Siti will leave Del-Care mid June. Although it is almost coincide with Oliver leaving infant care, but I am sure Oliver will miss Siti the most. Heard this, Oliver will definitely plant a kiss on Siti's face at the end of the day before leaving for home, but its all up to his mood when I ask him to kiss me when I turn up at Del-care to fetch him.

Saying Grace

Simply Bread at Riverside closing end May

Sad to find out that Simply Bread is closing end May. Simply Bread is our favourite hangout on Sunday. Although the bread can be quite pricey, it is worth the money. We love the freshness of the bread, the sticky bun and cuppacino. The place is great for morning walk. Oliver will chase after the dogs and birds whenever we are there. At this point, we also wonder whether we will still make our way there on Sunday mornings after the closure of Simply Bread. Oliver will probably miss the place too. The branch will shift to Cluny Court. I doubt we will go there often as the distance will be too far, but we definitely check the new place out.

Love at first sight with Egg and Tomato

I am not a very good cook and also not an adverturous one. But I decided to just fry eggs and tomato for my lunch on last Sunday and cooked the same for Oliver's lunch. Fo the first time, I passed him the fork and spoon to eat on his own.
It was love with egg and tomato at the first sight! Love at first sight and he left it as that. His love for egg and tomato did not last. I cooked the same dish today and he ate a few mouthful and spit out the rest. I feel really helpless when it comes to his meals.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Back to the Pool Finally

It has been such a long time since Boon Heng and Oliver swim at the pool and I cannot recall when was the last time they went. The weather is quite perfect too, probably rather cold and windy.

I tried with effort to fit Oliver in his swimming diaper. His swimsuit fits just nicely now with no more space for growth.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mini Me

Another habit, which I think (and probably secretly hope) that Oliver has picked up subconsciously from me, is starting to manifest. Why hope? Well, because Sophia is generally not a neat and precise and symmetrical person. In fact, probably 99.99% of the population aren't, I guess.

Oliver is parking all his vehicles head in (and at times at nice interval with each other according to Sophia). And after he's done so, he would be smiling and clapping.

But just before I get too carried away, I will be reminded of Oliver's split personality when he next messes up the shoes on the shoe rack.

How wonderful.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Cultivating Good Habits

Oliver has the good habit of keeping toys after playing with it. Although he doesn't do it all the times, he will certainly will keep his toys when he is not distracted. This is one good thing about having Oliver attend childcare. His caregivers not only guide him but have him carried out the tasks on a regular basis. Maybe, thats because Oliver used to have this habit of picking and throwing the toys at all directions.

Having said this, I remember an incident just not too long ago, he hit another toddler's head at school when he threw the toy. Until now, I don't know who was this casualty of Oliver's reckless act because the school did not want to disclose who this poor kid was. I was quite taken aback by the refusal to disclose as I could not comprehend the reason for keeping it in the closet.

Recently, he has been also picking up habits of Boon Heng's. Yesterday, he woke up in the morning and picked up a strand of hair from our bed. Before this, Oliver has been picking up hairs from our bed and from the floor. Well, it was probably more like Oliver found the hair sticking to his sweaty palms, and he would pass it to me. Yet, this sunday morning, he had a different idea. He decided to bring the strand of hair, got off the bed, instructed me to get off the bed and open the bedroom door for him. He then walked out of the room and into the kitchen, and in the kitchen where the rubbish bin was, he threw it in. I was amazed by it, mainly because we did not teach him what to do. He observed us and do likewise.

This really us very conscious of what we do and say. And I regret my action on Saturday. Really, I could not understand myself why I was behaving like a nut, throwing tantrum when Oliver refused his cooked dinner. And in the morning, I was scolding when my internet could not get connected. Why am I acting like that? I wish I can blame it on my hormone surge, but this is certainly not a good excuse. And I certainly hope Oliver doesn't learn this mad habit of mine.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Labour Day Outings

Breakfast at Ng Ah Sio Pork Rib Soup Eating House

We love the peppery hot soup which simply wake up our sleepy soul.

Oliver's first visit to Fort Canning Hill
and he simply loves the swing there.