Monday, May 26, 2008

Showers of affection from Oliver

We bought a shoe rack to be placed at our door entrace last week. Our indoor potted plants had been placed at the corridor for a while as we were concerned that Oliver would eat the pebbles. Along with our slippers, it looked messy. The rack put everything in place and it looked nice and neat now.

Now, how did Oliver come into the picture with the shoe rack? On Saturday, he did something which was totally sweet. As I was to leave the house, Oliver pulled out my green slipper one by one for me to wear. The sweet act really melt my heart.

This morning, he did the same thing. He took out my slippers from my shoe rack, and he did the same sweet thing when he saw Boon Heng coming out of the door. You really can't help falling in love with this little guy.