Monday, May 5, 2008

Cultivating Good Habits

Oliver has the good habit of keeping toys after playing with it. Although he doesn't do it all the times, he will certainly will keep his toys when he is not distracted. This is one good thing about having Oliver attend childcare. His caregivers not only guide him but have him carried out the tasks on a regular basis. Maybe, thats because Oliver used to have this habit of picking and throwing the toys at all directions.

Having said this, I remember an incident just not too long ago, he hit another toddler's head at school when he threw the toy. Until now, I don't know who was this casualty of Oliver's reckless act because the school did not want to disclose who this poor kid was. I was quite taken aback by the refusal to disclose as I could not comprehend the reason for keeping it in the closet.

Recently, he has been also picking up habits of Boon Heng's. Yesterday, he woke up in the morning and picked up a strand of hair from our bed. Before this, Oliver has been picking up hairs from our bed and from the floor. Well, it was probably more like Oliver found the hair sticking to his sweaty palms, and he would pass it to me. Yet, this sunday morning, he had a different idea. He decided to bring the strand of hair, got off the bed, instructed me to get off the bed and open the bedroom door for him. He then walked out of the room and into the kitchen, and in the kitchen where the rubbish bin was, he threw it in. I was amazed by it, mainly because we did not teach him what to do. He observed us and do likewise.

This really us very conscious of what we do and say. And I regret my action on Saturday. Really, I could not understand myself why I was behaving like a nut, throwing tantrum when Oliver refused his cooked dinner. And in the morning, I was scolding when my internet could not get connected. Why am I acting like that? I wish I can blame it on my hormone surge, but this is certainly not a good excuse. And I certainly hope Oliver doesn't learn this mad habit of mine.