Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hand Foot Mouth Disease and one sad news

Oliver will have to 'graduate' from the infant to toddler daycare when he reaches 18 months. And this really set me worrying because of the recent HFMD epidemic. Del-care was also not spared from HFMD with another few cases reported last week.

It is really a paranoid situation as I also understand that Oliver is getting tired of the infant care as most teachers seemingly spent most of their time taking care of the little ones, leaving Oliver to play on his own.

Another sad news is that Siti will leave Del-Care mid June. Although it is almost coincide with Oliver leaving infant care, but I am sure Oliver will miss Siti the most. Heard this, Oliver will definitely plant a kiss on Siti's face at the end of the day before leaving for home, but its all up to his mood when I ask him to kiss me when I turn up at Del-care to fetch him.