Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Cast

Oliver is casted as a pig in the K2 graduation concert later today. God knows how they managed to get all the kids to perform during the rehearsals.

So we've been asking him if he's a pig for the last ouople of weeks or so, hoping that he will perform a snippet for us, but all he did was to point to his head. Apparently he will wear a pair of pig's ear later.

I always thought that Jiajun was casted as a cow, either my eyesight is failing or they changed the cast halfway through the production. So we always asked Oliver if Jiajun is a cow. A few days ago he started to point to a picture of a chicken on the Little Einstein CD sleeve and kept saying "Jiajun". At first I thought he got confused with the animals.

Yesterday, relooking at the list of actors, I realised that Oliver was indeed right all along and have been telling us how he and Jiajun were on board a bus (we think they sat together on the bus during one of the trip to the concert venue).

Oliver also pointed at the bunny from Oi Lin and said Eri and Kate. We dread to know how he will miss them next week.