Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oliver's Green Tea Birthday Party

With two kiddos this year, I decided to hold a small birthday party for Oliver. As much as I wish to invite more friends, this is what I can manage and what my little home can contain for the moment. All the kids are getting bigger and my house is getting smaller.

It is really a green tea party. We have green tea cake made by Gina (we love it), green tea ice-cream and green tea drink. For main item, we bought shepherd pie and Don's chicken pies, and vegetable salad which I bought last minute and not realising it did not come with the salad dressing. Nothing is homecooked except for the porridge which I prepared for the kids. The preparation of porridge has however gotten me stressed up quite a bit as I have lost confidence as a cook. Oliver has been rejecting my cooking and what if the other kids rejected mine as well. Then I thought, if they do, we would have Don's pie to the rescue. The turnout was not too bad. The kids did not complained and the parents also brought the leftover back home. Phew!