Monday, June 16, 2008

First Day of Child Care

Oliver's overdue transfer to the childcare finally happened today. And what a stressful day it was for him and for us. Devoid of his usual caregivers and surroundings, Oliver didn't took to his new environment too well, and most of the time that we were there to spy on him, he was wailing and generally refusing to be coaxed by his new teachers.

It was quite pitiful and by the time we fetched him in the evening, his voice sounded quite hoarse from all the crying. Some of the teachers were telling us that Oliver is "strong-willed" and will probably take a longer time to adjust than most of the other kids. Well, I guess that is a better way of saying that Oliver is stubborn. Apparently he was also on a hunger strike and refused to drink and eat, although he did eat a little when he was brought back to the infant care section during dinner, after all the wailing.

Hopefully he will really get over his separation anxiety quickly. Of course that's easier said. Both me and Sophia used to be like that and hated the first few days of school as well.