Monday, June 30, 2008

Oliver's first two weeks in Toddler Class

It has been an emotional two weeks for Oliver since he has graduated from Infant to Toddler section. For the last two weeks and every day, we left Oliver in Del-Care in the state of crying. It had left me leaving guilty. I have to keep telling myself that we have to go through this state and it is really a matter of time. For Oliver and any other child attending toddler class, it is really quite "premature" for them to be separated at such tender age, 18 months. Comparing to my time when we attended kindergarten, we were five years old. I was indeed much luckier.

I do notice some changes in him since he moves on to the toddler class:
- He can feed himself now (although still quite messy).
- He seems to have grown up so fast that he could understand almost every words we spoke.
- He seems to have huge appetite at home even though he had dinner in school. Wonder if he did not have enough or his dinner time was scheduled too early.
- He cried the moment we walked into Del-care and wanted us to carry him to school instead of walking. Gosh, I wonder how long it takes before Oliver will run towards the school laughing like what he did when he went to the infant section.

His state of hair aptly convey how he feels over the past two weeks