Friday, June 13, 2008

Oliver's last week at Del-care infant section

... and it is also Siti's. And we found out that Siti joined Del-care shortly after Oliver enrolled in the infant care section in April 2007. Such coincidence. I wonder if Oliver is conscious of Siti's leaving Del-care, but I can definitely tell he was affected last Friday and not himself at all. Perhap he was not feeling well due to the MMR jab on Monday. Yet, Oliver in his old good self would usually be running around even if he was not feeling well. So I guess he could sniff in the air that there will be a big change in his life - Siti's leaving and he's moving to the Tots class. Poor Oliver, I hope he will not be lovesick for too long.

Siti, all the best to you and do keep in touch. You have been a wonderful caregiver and a mentor to Oliver. Oliver knows how much love you have for him and I think you do know how much Oliver loves you from the way he runs and hugs you with his kisses almost everyday when the time has come for him to say goodbye to you and go home.