Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Oliver's First Movie Outing

I never have the plan to bring Oliver to watch a movie. It is definitely a crazy idea. But we thought why not give it a try since I have four complimentary tickets to watch Kung Fu Panda.
Boon Heng brought his favourite nephew and niece along and Oliver enjoyed their company tremendously. Oliver was seen trying to get his jie jie's attention and even vying for Kor Kor's to carry him when we had McDonald supper after the show.
At the start of the movie, Oliver was quite terrified and jumped onto my seat at the first few minutes. But he quickly got settled down and watched the movie. It lasted for almost half an hour before he started fidgeting and longing for a walk up the cinema's stair.
It is memorable experience as I never thought I can actually watch the whole movie (about one hour) with Oliver around. I had wanted Oliver to experience the first few minutes in the cinema and then leave for home. Boon Heng did miss some part of the show when he had to bring Oliver out of the cinema to walk. If you are wondering whether Oliver did disturb other movie goers, I think probably not. It was a private event and behind us, many more kids were walking around and seen climbing the stairs like Oliver.