Friday, October 5, 2007

Amusing behavour No. 1 - Faking sleep at 11.00 pm

I am beginning to find Oliver very amusing, and wonder if all his strange behaviour is the aftermath of the medication taken.

Yesterday, Oliver had his final doses of medication. Instead of feeling drowsy like his dad (who was also on medication), he was wide awake at 11.00 pm. In fact, he was so awake that he played tricks on me more than once.

After the usual ritual of getting Oliver to sleep, he closed his eyes. I tucked him on his bed with his booster. He rested for one minute, opened his eyes and crawled onto my bed. Once again, I carried him and rocked him to sleep, and tucked him on bed. He slept and woke up two minutes later while I was brushing my teeth. Got to stop brushing and rushed back to him with toothpaste in my mouth loh. The cycle repeated and I gave up. Left Oliver on his bed while I pretended to sleep on my bed hoping that he would follow suit. To my surprise, Oliver came over to my bed and lie beside me. There was complete slient. I lie beside him and was on seventh heaven thinking that my littleboy can fall asleep on his own.

No way you gal, fat hope!

Oliver played tricks on me. He wasn't sleeping at all. He lie on the bed just like what I was doing, not moving his body just like what I was doing, pretending to be sleeping which was also just like what I was doing. I only knew it when I woke up and found his eyes wide open and showed no intention that he was going to sleep anytime soon. The moment I got up, he also started to move around. Oh man... Can you believe this actually happened three times? Oliver outsmart me. = ( Or perhap I am just a stupid mama. )