Monday, October 15, 2007

Losing our sanity soon..

... if Oliver were to catch another virus from school this few weeks. For the past four weeks, we had been taking leave to stay home to look after sick Oliver.

The last visit to Aglow last Wednesday was another traumatic experience. We decided not to admit Oliver to hospital in case he catches another virus from there. Oliver therefore had his blood taken for a blood test, and his urine sample taken to test for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Dr Ong could not draw his blood from Oliver's left hand after trying for at least 3 minutes and switched to his right hand. Poor Oliver's left hand was left bruised and the bruise is still evident now. For the UTI, the nurse attached a plastic bag to his birdie. We waited for almost an hour before Oliver pees. Poor Oliver was uncomfortable throughout that he did just lie down on his stroller quietly looking tired.

Fortunately, the results were both negative, except his white blood count was on the higher side. Dr Ong cited the higher white blood count due to the existence of virus in body. Phews! Glad it is nothing serious.