Monday, October 29, 2007


Today, we went back to Raffles Hospital's Dr Veronica Toh for Oliver's review. Instead of getting better, Oliver was diagnosed as having more mucus, possibly caused by a chest infection that refuses to go away even after 10 days of oral medication. So it is back to the nubiliser routine for the next 3 or 4 days. He had one round of it at the hospital, and despite coaxing from the nurse and us, he still cried like there's no tomorrow.

He seems well enough though, and his appetite has never been better, in fact quite humongous and he often amazes us and our relatives and friends by the amount of porridge that he takes, which probably can feed Sophia as well.

So we will have to see for the next few days if he gets better. If not, I (Boon Heng) might need to quit my job and be a full time nanny.