Friday, October 19, 2007

Proud of Boon Heng

Boon Heng has been a great father to Oliver. While I have been a short-tempered mother to Oliver, Boon Heng makes it up to Oliver with his seemingly endless bounds of energy and patience toward him. I still find it hard to believe sometimes that Boon Heng actually scarifice his sunday football sessions to spend time with us. It has been for many months since. Although of recent, I can feel that his legs are getting restless and it is about time he goes back to the field again.

Another amazing thing happens this week, Boon Heng is able to lull Oliver to sleep since Monday night. This has never happened. Oliver had been fussy and demanded only I to carry him to sleep at bedtimes. If I am lucky, he would sleep within 5 minutes and not so lucky, it will take close to an hour. But it has always been less than 5 minutes that Boon Heng could get Oliver to sleep and to sleep on his bony chest. Gosh, I don't know am I suppose to feel jealous or proud of Boon Heng.