Sunday, September 23, 2007


As we discover from Doctor Ong of Aglow Clinic in United Square, Oliver has Bronchiolitis. It is the inflamation of the smaller branches of the bronchial tree in his lung. If not well taken care of, it could develop into asthma. Cause: various viruse, most often Respiratory Synctial Virus (RSV)
On 22 Sep, his temperature peaked at 39.4 degree celsius. Throughout the night, I sponged him and fortunately that brought his fever down a bit. And for the seven consecutive nights, he had low-grade fever which hovered around 37-38 degree celsius.

In the mornings, he woke up with mucus which dried around his nostrils and upper lips. He lose appetite and his milk feed was down to 50 ml from 180ml.
The 2-hr porridge which I cooked, he ate half of it. At nights, he would cough until he woke up.
Emotionally, he get really clingy. I could not walk away from him. I must always be within his sight. Otherwise, he would cry uncontrollable.