Monday, September 10, 2007

Oliver is either a girl or Japanese

That's what people are likely to say the first time they see Oliver. He's often mistaken as a girl because of his hair, as he's probably the "hairiest" baby around. If not, then they think he's Japanese. In fact, even some of the infant-care teachers think he looks like a girl and call him Olivia.

Which leads me to think, if you have 2 kids, esp twins, can you call them both the exact same name? Is there a law that forbids that? If one is smarter than the other, the parents can actually send him to all the exams and tests. If the other has better motor skills or EQ etc, he can also take driving test or interviews on behalf. Hmmm... and claim that it's an honest mistake, lets move on etc... hahaha

Anyway, back to Oliver.

Oliver has good motor skills. We noticed, sometime back, that when he's lying on his back, and you leash a beach ball just above him, he will trap the ball before kicking it, and repeat this very often, so that it is not coincidental. That is, he doesn't kick the ball wildly.

This may seems clever or cute, but I see it that he has the making of a great football star, or a Cirque du Soleil performer, because it is not easy to trap a ball while lying down, and then kicking it, for many times. If you don't believe, you can try it. You'll either be overwhelmed by boredom or cramp. But not Oliver.