Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Traumatic experience with nubiliser

I was glad a few months back when Oliver fell ill, he didn't need to be nubilised. But time has finally come for Oliver. On top of antibiotics, cough syrup, mucusolvan which are taken three times a day, Oliver has to be nubilised every four hourly. By this time, Oliver has already lost some weight. I could feel his weaker than usual strength when he struggles and fight off the nubiliser.

My dad came over my home to pass me a gift left for me by my grandma. He saw us nubilising Oliver and kept telling us to stop. Boon Heng's mum also said the same thing when she saw poor Oliver struggling. I felt the very same way when I first started. It is quite painful to see Oliver's face turning all red and crying without a voice while we hold him hard in order for him to breathe in the vapour. It has been a traumatic experience not only us, but mostly Oliver. Which is perhaps one good reason that baby has short memory.