Saturday, September 22, 2007

Oliver is 10 months old

Oliver baby is 10 months old today. It is also the day I decide to stop expressing milk for Oliver. It has remarkably long and tiring journey for me. Every time, I sit on the sofa putting on the Medela pump on for 15 minutes, it is a mental challenge. The amount I expressed was simply so little that I have to keep motivating myself that little is better than none for Oliver. For the past two months, it has reached a point that I have to express for three days to complete one feed. Imagine, for a 5-minute feed, 45 minutes are spent on milking and this excludes washing and sterilization. I cannot help but full of envy of those mothers with endless supply of milk. They can even afford to throw them away. Supply exceeds demand.

This has been a long yet short journey for me (Long because it is mentally and physically exhausting; Short because I do not have enough milk to last).