Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Oliver is isolated for suspected Chicken Pox

5.30 pm – I received a call from Jeanette, director of Del-care telling me that Oliver was isolated at the clinic. They suspected Oliver’s blisters on his hand could be due to hand, foot mouth disease or chicken pox. I had to go down soon to fetch him home. I panic and imagined little Oliver crying in the clinic longing for comfort from us. Boon Heng and I left the office immediately hoping to get him out of the clinic in case he might contract any virus there since Jeanette said there were other kids whom were sent to there.

We reached the clinic and found teacher carrying Oliver. He looked at us through the glass door and recognizing us, he smiled excitedly. That moment, I let out a breath. He was still the same old Oliver, except that he did not finish his milk feed. We waited to speak to the doctor. Dr Kevin Chan suspected Oliver of having chicken pox. Since 20 August, there were 10 cases of chicken pox and 3 cases of HFMD reported by Del-care. If Oliver caught the chicken pox, he would be the first among the infants there.

5.48 pm – I received this SMS from Del-care, “Infant Oliver has 2 tiny rash on his hand. He has been examined by Dr Kevin Chan. To err on caution, he is isolated at the clinic which he waits for his parents to pick up.” Boon Heng joked that Oliver is now famous as none of the child in the school, be it from the nursery, play group or infant group received such intensive publicity in the SMS blast. The SMS blast was sent to all parents.
Joke aside; I hope it is not HFMD that he caught on.