Saturday, September 22, 2007

Picnic at Chinese Garden

22 Nov - My group of girlfriends, Adeline and her mother, Aileen, Alan and Andy and Caroline, Raidon and Mr Ma congregated at Chinese garden for a little picnic. It have had been for years since we organised an outing of such nature, that is, we had to prepare food and stuffs. Easily more than 10 years. The difference between now and back then is that we are occupied with our kids and hardly have time to chit chat and gossip loh.

For me, I have an enjoyable time. Even Oliver's throwing up of his food several times did not dampened my mood. It is Oliver's first time at Chinese Gardens; and it is also Boon heng and my first visit to Chinese Gardens eversince we have grown up.

The birth of our child has somehow brought closer my group of girlfriends from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I recalled at a lunch gathering at Plaza Singapura last year, I had wanted to surprise them with my bulging tummy, but ended up being surprised by them. Caroline was also pregnant. She put on some weight and looking really radiant. Aileen and Eve were there too. We chit chat and when it was about time to leave for work, Eve revealed to us she too was pregnant. The cows are so active that year.