Friday, May 28, 2010

Follow Me Hokkaido - Day 10

Our 10th day in Hokkaido and our last day of the trip. Took these pictures in the car to mark our final journey from Sapporo Grand Hotel to Chitose Airport. It would be a direct 7 hours flight to Singapore..

This was the GBS which we relied on for the past 10 days. It took us almost the third and fourth day to realise that the CD player was actually hidden behind it.

The only thing which Boon Heng missed from Singapore was his Alfa Romeo.

At Chitose Airport, waiting for our flight which was delayed by one hour.

Chitose Airport are very kid friendly, and they are ever ready to offer us the baby stroller.

This playroom at the foodcourt area kept our kids busy while we enjoyed our last bowl of Ramen at the airport. Goodbye wet Hokkaido

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Follow Me Hokkaido - Day 9


The Ishiya Chocolate Factory - home of Shiroi Koibito "white chocolate" eclairs is more than a factory, it was almost like a play land.

Oliver and Heidi spent most of their time outdoor, playing with these tiny houses with tiny furnitures of just the right size for them.

If only the "white chocolate" chocolate eclairs is this big...

Housed at the upper floor was this quaint looking cafe with irresitable looking cakes. We just have to stop everything which we were doing and rot right there - and doing nothing except eating cakes and sipping hot chocolate. Boon Heng and I could have stayed for hours there, if not for Oliver and Heidi running around the cafe, reminding us that they needed to be entertained by other amusement.

The cafe overlooked this tiny town which was so charming.

After spending almost half a day at the Chocolate factory, we drove to Otaru. This is the famous canal that all visitor to Otaru must go. In the evening, the canal is dimly lit with the street lamps lined along the canal making one feel sentiment.

This shot of Oliver holding Heidi's hand reminded me of some korean drama with story centralising childhood lovers.

Heidi insisted on carrying the bag, and with her dressing, looked like a country girl visting the downtown city.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Follow Me Hokkaido - Day 8

Departing Tokachigawa, our first stop was Sahoro Bear Mountain which was around an hour drive away. The residential bear - Brown Bear is the largest terrestrial mammal living in Hokkaido. Over the years, bear population has decimated drastically leading to the opening of Sahoro Bear Mountain. At the Sahoro, a vast land area was devoted to the bears making it possible for researcher to study bear to be carried out in their natural habitat. In the process, these researchers could recommend measures to lessen the human-bear conflicts.
Our close encounter with the bears.

Next, we set off to Furano Jam Garden and Anpan Man.

We took this shot at Anpan Man, which Oliver was stucked with the digger for almost an hour - love at the first sight. Boon Heng was very tempted to buy the digger back, but it was way too costly. So Oliver, this photograph is specially taken for your keepsake.

While the kids hang around at Anpan Man Shop, I made my way to the Furano Jam Garden. It had the most exciting range fo jam from raspberry, carrot to sweetbriar and hascup berry. All handmade and additive-free! I tried almost all samples and yummy, why we can't have such concept shop in Singapore. Wholesome jams.

Sometimes, I wonder if I am becoming more auntie. Oliver, did what a kid do, hang out at the toy shop, and I did what an aunte do, hang out at the Jam shop? The shop mascot who resembled a Japanese elderly lady seemed to saying "all mothers and aunties, come into my shop. You shall be trapped here."

It was almost 2pm, and we seriously needed to fill our stomach. Lunch stop would be at Rokugo no Mori.

Set in amongst the beautiful Rokuogo forest are two buildings which were used during the filming of the long running drama - From the Northern Country. The name of the drama sounded familiar, but I took no notice of it. We had lunch and bought a piece of scenery poster at the little restaurant there.

It was popular for its soup curry cooked with the ingredients wholly from Furano. After lunch, the kids wandered about the forest, and I could not believe what I had found, something which I had been trying to find for many years. When I was young and at school going age, I fell in love with Hokkaido, its beautiful snow mountain, the lonely and brave fox which out of curiousity catching a glimpse of human on the snow field, and a family of father and two children living in a cosy hut up on the mountain. These were the scenes of the Northern Country, which actually had their filming done at this very spot where I was , Rokugo Forest. This was such an amazing experience. I had been trying to search for its soundtrack which lingered in my mind for years. I had known the drama by the chinese title, and did not know the English title of the drama being the Northern Country. This got me really excited, as I asked Boon Heng to check with the restaurant whether they sold the sound track. Yes, they do! I could not believe it. Gosh... almost like a dream coming true.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Follow Me Hokkaido - Day 7 (Part 2)

Yummy, right after our Butadon lunch, we had ice-cream at this little ice-cream house, which is very popular among the ladies and students. I did not see any, except our tour group members.

Oliver and Heidi learnt to share ice-cream with each other, and we are quite proud that Oliver is a very good brother, even when it comes to sharing his favourite ice-cream. I remember Jeanette shared with me, at one occassion which I was too sick to fetch the kids back from school and Boon Heng needed to work, Oliver, she said, ensured Heidi walked safely into the lift and used his body to block the door from closing when Heidi stepped out of the lift. He also held onto Heidi's hand until they reached the school bus. I feel like so proud after hearing it.

One of the best shots on Oliver's greedy look taken by Boon Heng during .

Next, we headed out to another confectionery shop - Ryugetsu Sweetpia Garden. We were expecting more from this factory, but not quite cosy compared to the cake shop in Furano. We thought of getting the pastry here, but the expiral date of most cakes fall exactly on the date we returned Singapore. Still, we searched through the shop and found a few items that could last long enough to give to friends.

We stayed at Tokachigawa Daiichi Hotel.

Our room had a stunning view of the bridge crossing over Tokachi River at night.

We did not have the opportunity to take the view of the bridge. I found this photograph from the Internet. Notice the beautiful lit bridge, it is simply breathtaking.

mmm. This was Oliver's dinner. Not too appealing to a four-year old boy.

Although the food served at this hotel was relatively not as good, it was still not as stressful when it was served on a tall table.

We left the dining hall after the disappointing dinner. Not expecting our guide to call us saying that we did not complete full course. Hence, they bought in this huge ice-cream to our room which excite not just the kids, we tucked in happily too.

Follow Me Hokkaido - Day 7 (Part1)

From Akan Yukunosato Tsuruga Hotel, we moved on to Tokachigawa stopping at a number of interesting places.

The first stop is Michinoeki Ashoro road station, which produce five kinds of cheeses and use main and sub raw materials from the best of Ashoro. "Gouda" with light taste and "Camembert" with exquisite softness. Blue Camembert Cheese is a popular item and Boon Heng's favourite, but sold out. We also bought the camembert cheese curry for cooking back in Singapore.

Just when we were about to leave the road station, a truck loaded full with cows come our way. Oliver kept laughing when we told him that moo moo cow needed to go poo poo at the road station too.

The Wine Castle was the next destination. By the time we reached, Oliver and Heidi fell asleep. It was drizzling and we took turns to pop into the 'castle'. Not a wine, but a juice person, I bought a bottle of grape juice. Drank back in Singapore, very sweet and my kind of 'wine'.

Lunch stop is at Obihiro at Tokachigawa Butadon (Restaurant Ippin). Obihiro is the birthplace of the delicacy butadon (pork on rice). The pork is specially grilled and popular with the locals there.

Oliver was bored with the waiting and was pouring water from cup to cup.

Finally... the irresistable butadon!